Assignment description

We are looking for you who want to work with embedded software development, both low lever drivers and platform development. The focus of the assignment is to collaborate with others in the team to design, implement and assure quality for the software in our client’s products. You will also be involved in influencing technical choices, our ways of working and contributing to new product ideas and functionality.

In this role you will take ownership for your primary project and share the responsibility for all projects to move forward and meet their requirements. Development is primarily done in C with some elements of Python included. Git and Jira is also used.

You will be part of the complete development chain, from long term monitoring and idea creation to building technology platforms and being part of the release of new hardware and software.

You are curious, deeply technically interested, love challenges and to solve them in a team focused atmosphere. We believe that you have a strong personal drive and get inspired by working in an environment of openness, creativity, trust, commitment, playfulness and encouragement.

You have some years of experience of C programming, preferably in an embedded environment like Linux. Experience of Git, Gerrit, Jira, Yocto/Bitbake, graphical libraries for Linux, such as LGVL and Skia, and agile development is a plus but not necessary.

You speak and write Swedish fluently.

You love to program and to produce maintainable code and master the chain from creative discussions, building code and stable incremental releases.



Ort: Lund






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