Assignment Description

Our client is looking for a Platform Engineer for an assignment that can be performed remotely.

The client’s Platform team is responsible for providing baseline & building blocks of cloud environments using Microsoft enterprise landing zone concept in Azure, managed Kubernetes clusters on top of Azure AKS, developer tools, builder’s library for their software engineering teams with mission of supporting product teams for developing cloud native digital solutions, also driving DevOps, SecOps & SRE practices in software engineering teams.

You will play a key role in empowering our client’s engineering teams, improving the developer experience, and fostering a software engineering culture as part of Platform Engineering. The client’s product teams are organized in value streams with several products.

They are organized into 3 teams – CDX Platform, Kubility & Developer Experience.


  • Responsible for managing, operating the Kubernetes clusters on top of AKS in Azure along with OnCall support
  • Offload product teams to manage their Kubernetes clusters in Azure
  • Managed Kubernetes clusters
  • Managed GitOps capabilities for manifest deployment
  • Managed ingress controllers
  • Managed secrets solution in Kubernetes clusters
  • Networking policies in Kubernetes clusters
  • Security policies in Kubernetes clusters
  • Onboarding product teams to Kubernetes clusters


Must Have:

  • Linux foundational knowledge
  • Experience with designing & managing Kubernetes clusters (preferably Azure or other cloud provider AWS or GCP)
  • Experience with developing and deploying cloud native solutions using containers technlogoy (preferably Azure or other cloud provider AWS or GCP)
  • Experience with Infrastructure as Code practices using Terraform, Pulumi, Bicep or similar tools
  • Experience with managing incoming and egress traffic to Kubernetes clusters.
  • Experience of implementing GitOps apprach for maanging Kubernetes clusters components
  • Good understanding of Kubernetes ecosystem, Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) toolings
  • Good understanding of Kubernetes components such as Kubernetes config, Networking, Storage and workload types
  • Good understanding of observability – monitoring, logging, tracing
  • Understanding of networking architecture such as DNS, routing, subnet, NAT, CDN, loadbalncers etc.

Nice to have:

  • Understanding of Hub & Spoke architecture
  • Understanding of continous integration (CI) pipelines, testing automation pipelines

Soft skills:

  • Should have proactive mindset, approach to problems
  • Team player, sparring & helping team members
  • Willingness to learn skills, suggest improvements, prioritize, and drive own tasks in coordination with the team members and stakeholders.
  • Keen on driving DevOps, SecOps (shifting security left in the software development lifecycle) and SRE practices to help the client’s engineering teams to achieve agility in development, autonomy & trust, faster time to market and build software engineering culture
  • Challenge each other solution which will help us to come up with better solution
  • Willing to rotate in sub teams & oncall support


Ort: Distans



Slutdatum:6 months after start date


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